Monday, February 6, 2017

Ephesus, Turkey - Ancient ruins

As we disembarked the ship at our next stop, we were treated to a performance by Turkish musicians and dancers.  My excitement built as we traveled through the hills to the Virgin Mary's house, then on to the ancient city ruins.

It's amazing to see the ruins of Ephesus.  As we wandered around the excavations, it was incredible to see the remnants of the ancient city.   So much that time has erased, but enough left for you to be able to envision what it may have been like.  

Once again, the ancient architecture and the details carved into the marble astounded me! The years it must've taken to create something so magnificent.   As we walked through the mazes of column remnants, listening to the guide give us a history lesson, my eyes couldn't take it all in.  I was trying to capture everything I could in my camera lens so that I wouldn't ever forget this once in a lifetime experience.  

I was impressed as we learned that the stray animals from town were spayed/neutered, given their vaccinations, then brought to the ruins and public parks and fed and watered daily by the staff.  I don't believe in reincarnation, but if I did, I would have sworn the  cats were brought back to guard the ruins.   They seemed so wise as they perched atop columns and stared down at us.  I even found the physician among them! 

When we got to the Celsus Library,  I was overwhelmed by the beauty that remained.   It's amazing that anything is still standing.   The intricate details in the carvings was more beautiful than any words can describe.  The remains loomed high above us making me wonder how, in a day without the technological advances we have now, they were able to create such an incredible piece of architecture.  Nothing created today can compare to the beauty of the ancient ruins.  The crowds looked small next to the gigantic columns. In all of its splendor, it had to be the most gorgeous sight to see!

Then, we traveled through the columns on the road down to the amphitheater where the Apostle Paul preached to the multitudes.  The history seeped deep into the earth was enveloping me.  I won't lie, I shed a tear or two as I took it all in.  

 From there we visited the Basilica of St John.  I couldn't help but be distracted by the beautiful flowers and butterflies after we toured the ruins and visited the Apostle John's tomb. 

Following the tour, we had a buffet of Turkish foods and desserts, followed by an entertaining reenactment of Roman gladiators.  The Turkish coffee was wonderful!!! The costuming for the actors was well done, and watching the show was a pleasant break from so much walking!

Then, back to the ship with little time to spare before departure time.   Another amazing day which left me exhausted, but thrilled!  This destination is definitely worth the visit!!!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Athens, Greece - Ancient History

Arriving at the dock
The 2nd stop on our cruise was Athens, Greece.   We docked in the very early morning and got our first sights of the sunrise over the water.  The port was quiet as we ate our breakfast and made our way down to the tour meeting spot. I was already in love with the scenery before our tour even began!  This day was filled from the time we were cleared to leave the ship until the time we made our way back to the ship with 15 minutes to spare before leaving the dock.

As our tour bus started winding through the busy streets to our destinations, I was mesmerized by the buildings of marble, some pure white and others pale pink, all reflecting the sun. The city was bustling as the day began.

Then, we passed the first of many ancient ruins on our tour.   I was in awe.  Here by the road in the middle of the busy city. The most amazing columns I'd ever seen in real life.  To think this was constructed before all of our modern technology.  The years it must've taken to build.

Our first stop was the Acropolis.   As we hiked from the parking lot up the trails, we learned about the olive trees and how they hung nets under them to shake the olives into during harvest.  Our tour guide was wonderful and very informative.  From the heights of the trail, you could see the city, gleaming white below us all the way out to the sea.  We were surrounded by the most beautiful views in every direction.  Below us stood the ancient library.  And on a hill far away, remains of an ancient temple. 

We reached the top and were completely amazed by what stood before us! The elegance of what remains of the Erechtheion temple was breathtaking.  I can only wonder what it was like in it's full glory!  The skill it had to have taken to construct.   I was enamored by the Caryatids supporting the roof above them on their heads.   

Walking up further to the Parthenon, I couldn't help but wonder how in the world they got that horse and man up there!!! I zoomed in as close as my Canon would zoom, thankful that I had purchased the zoom lens before the trip!
The massive structure towered above us.  The weather was beautiful, and the sky was a pure blue.  We simply stood and stared. Crowds of people wandered around looking so tiny compared to the enormity of the remains. Standing close, I could use my zoom lens to get the details of the building. Then we had to hike further out over the rocks to take full pictures, careful not to stumble over the uneven ground.  Our time here was almost up, and we slowly made our way back to the meeting place, in awe of the splendor we had seen!

After a lunch buffet of delicious Greek food, complete with my favorite Baklava for dessert, we left to drive along the sea to the Temple of Poseidon.  On the way passing the 1st Olympic Stadium.  Stopping briefly to get pictures. 

As we drove the winding road along the coast,  my eyes trying to take it all in.   The water was an alluring blue, sparkling like diamonds in the bright sunlight.  We drove through small villages with tile roofs, and by fishing villages along the coast.  

Then, we could see it in the distance.   A small winding road leading us up over the cliffs, taking us to the top to the ancient temple.  As we exited the bus, I couldn't decide if the ruins were more amazing or the sea and cliffs below us. I marveled at the beauty of the landscape and the deep history you could feel envelop you with the history lessons being given by our informative tour guide. As we looked across the sea to islands nearby and in the distance, I knew this was going to be one of the best memories in my life!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Venice, Italy - City of Water

Maybe you can imagine my excitement.  I was finally getting to take the trip of a lifetime.  My first trip to Europe.  A 12-day Mediterranean cruise on the Norwegian Spirit.   I had never been so excited about a trip in my life.   I had a shore excursion booked for every single day except the day of our arrival in Venice.  I had packed the biggest, ugliest (easier to find in the baggage claim) suitcase I could find. and couldn't stop grinning as we made our way to the airport!  I could barely sleep on the flight because I was so excited.

The flight was uneventful and we arrived in Venice ready to get to the ship, drop off our stuff and go see as much as we could before the ship departed the dock that evening.  Unfortunately,  we got to the ship and got told we had to stay on ship for the mandatory safety drill, and we realized we only had a few short hours to explore.   I quickly realized I needed to book an excursion where we could see as much as possible.  Two things were mandatory.  I had to go on a gondola ride in the canal, and I had to visit St. Marks!

On the way to St. Mark's Square
They took us by boat from the ship dock to the drop off point near St. Mark's Square.  My eyes could barely take it all in.  It was dusk and the city lights were starting to illuminate the water.  The architecture took my breath away.  I was overwhelmed by the beauty of water and buildings as we chugged our way down the Grand Canal.  We got off the boat and our tour group promptly left at a fast pace and I realized, there was not going to be enough time to see nearly all I would like to see!

As we entered the Square, the architecture was amazing.  There were so many tour groups and people everywhere.  I couldn't take my eyes off the buildings.  I was listening to our guide with one ear and trying to capture as much as could on camera.  Unfortunately, I'm not the best with night photos!  A street vendor walked up with a rose, trying to tell Doug he needed to buy his beautiful woman a rose and distracted us.  I turned to take a picture and when I turned back around, our tour group was no where to be seen.  The panic that ensued was terrifying for a minute.  Here we were in a foreign city, unable to speak the language, and didn't have a clue where our group had gone.  Thankfully, after a few minutes, we were able to find another group with the same company, and they found our tour for us!  I learned very quickly to be more attentive to our group when trying to take photographs!

As we entered the Basilica, a hush went across the group.  The tour guide was very detailed with her history lesson.  We
were all in awe of the golden, glittery architecture and grandeur of the domes and the mosaics on the walls.  I had never seen anything so very beautiful in all my life.  As we traveled through behind the alter and saw the Golden Pala more valuable than anything I'd ever seen,  I couldn't keep the tears from filling my eyes, overwhelmed with the emotions of actually standing there, experiencing this.  We made our way down to the tomb and then back out into the square to continue to our gondolas.  

When we entered the square again, I didn't want to leave as there were tents set up with string quartets playing beautiful classical music.  Tables with white cloths and roses in front of each, and beautiful women and men sipping wine, enjoying the lovely evening.  It was such a sight to behold!  Such a busy, lively square.  I could have spent the whole evening here. However, we had to make our way through quickly as to not lose our group.

The gondola was everything I imagined.  It was so romantic being on the water, sitting close to my love, with the darkness of the night illuminated by the lights from the buildings.  We glided under footbridges with people smiling and waving down at us.  Another gondola beside ours featured musicians, singing in Italian and playing an accordion.  It was magical.  It was a night I will never forget.   We entered the grand canal, and small motorboats whizzed by, rocking the gondolas a little.  The canal was filled with gondolas and small boats making their way through the city.  Then, our group ducked back into a small canal and made it's way back to the dock.  It ended way to soon.  

We had to rush back to the main boat to get back to shore just in time to board before they pulled out.  As we stood on deck of the massive ship, making our way out of the Grand Canal, I vowed one day, we will go back and stay long enough to really tour the city.   Until then, I have my precious memories!

It's a great big world out there...

My parents instilled a love of travel in me through family vacations every year.  Although we almost always went to the Smoky Mountains every year for vacation, every now and then, we would get a small trip to other places close by.  Then when I was 15, I got the summer of a lifetime.

My school history club went on a trip up the East Coast, stopping at every major historical site on the way.   We visited Kitty Hawk, NC, Williamsburg, VA, Washington D.C., Mount Vernon, Gettysburg, Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Plymouth.   It was an incredible whirlwind month.  Then, I got home and 3 days later took a trip out west for a month with my parents.   We started in FL (our home state) and went to Texas, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, Wyoming and on and on.   I remember the awe of visiting the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Zion National Park, the Painted Desert and Petrified Forest, the Rocky Mountain National Park, the Grand Tetons, and so many other places.  I knew then, I wanted to see as much of the world as I possibly could.

But then, adulthood came.  I learned what it was like to struggle to make ends meet.   I learned that travel was a luxury, not a necessity.   My first marriage was to a military man so I got to live in VA, AL, TX, FL and Puerto Rico, but vacations were non existent.  Thankfully, Puerto Rico was like a vacation.  Blue waters, white sand, and so many things to see and do.   Little day trips here and there, but I always wanted to see more!

Life continued.  I have two beautiful children.  Divorced and remarried to the love of my life, Doug, my dream to travel begin to resurface.  Little weekend trips to the surrounding towns became frequent.  We explore our "backyard" so to speak, quite frequently.   I even played a game with my children called the "get lost" game.  We would get in the car, drive out into the country, and then I would let them tell me which way to go, and at every intersection they took turns navigating us into roads we've never been on.   Fun for a day, but we always had to find our way back home before dark!
1st cruise to Mexico

Then, my husband took me on my first cruise!  I fell in love!!!  It was so amazing.  At least once a year, we saved for a nice but affordable vacation.  I was able to set aside money to begin saving for bigger adventures.  A Mediterranean Cruise,  a trip to Ireland, then to Scotland, Wales and England.  With each trip, I hunger for more.  I want to see the whole world.  Each adventure leaves me with wonderful memories and a dream for more.

This blog will be a recap of some of my adventures in the past, and tales of our journeys, as we continue to explore as much of this big, beautiful world as we can.  Where are we off to next?   The Florida Keys!

I hope you'll enjoy the photos to come and stories of towns and villages, oceans and streams, mountains and valleys, and whatever else we visit on our journeys!

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